Megan Morgan Megan Morgan

Passing: A Guest Appearance on “Pop Culture Makes Me Jealous”

Interview and conversation between Megan Morgan and Julia Washington on the show: Pop Culture Makes Me Jealous about the Nella Larsen 1929 Harlem Renaissance Novel, Passing - and the 2021 Netflix movie adaptation directed by Rebecca Hall.

This past week I was overwhelmed with gratitude and joy to be able to be interviewed and in conversation with Julia Washington, the host of “Pop Culture Makes Me Jealous” about the book and new Netflix adaption of Nella Larsen’s Harlem Renaissance Novel: Passing.

Passing formed a huge part of my thesis while completing my MFA at the San Francisco Art Institute and impacted my own personal life in a big, big way. Connecting with Julia and finding we mutually had just as much interest and excitement in this writing (which is still so relevant today) is an amazing feeling.

I created a set of artworks based on this book that are now in the Wedge Collection of Dr. Kenneth Montague in Toronto, and was blown away and honored when artist, professor and writer, Deborah Willis wrote about these pieces in the journal: The Image of the Black in Western Art, edited by Henry Louis Gates Jr. and David Bindman in 2014.

I’d be so honored if you gave this episode a listen. It’s nearly as long as the movie itself, clocking in at 103 minutes, but worth the listen in my (humble’ish) opinion. Available here on Apple Podcasts, but it is also available on all streaming platforms and wherever you listen to podcasts. Thank you Julia Washington for this amazing experience!

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