Welcome to MYA ~ My Yoga Audio.
An intimate podcast experience of yoga, just for you.
Your mind on your mat. Listen closely, expand exponentially.
MYA is hosted by Megan Morgan,
a yoga teacher, writer and artist.
The idea for MYA came to me in a dream after a year of taking time off from teaching. I had been searching for the way I wanted to evolve into the next phase of practicing, teaching and sharing the living manifestation and beauty of yoga. What I was reminded of is that yoga primarily takes place in your mind, even when you are physically on the mat.
When I thought about the kind of class I wanted to take, it was hearing someone speaking kindly to me, guiding me towards the next breath, step or pose. A gentle, harmonious counsel. By listening only, without the distraction of having to watch a moving person or video, we can delve deeper into ourselves and our practice. We can maybe better learn what we are meant to do and to be; give this gift of knowing not only to ourselves, but also to the world.
Are you ready?
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: I have never done yoga before. Can I do MYA?
A: Yes, you can. I start slowly, introducing some of the basics and history of yoga and then ease you into some foundational movements. Over time, we will ease into developing further. As when introducing any new physical movements to your body, check in with your doctor, especially if you’ve recently had major issues, surgery or areas of concern.
Q: What do I need to do this practice?
A: Technically, you can practice anywhere, wearing comfortable clothing and with some electronic source to hear sound. This program is designed for the average able-bodied person, but I will always offer modifications. To have an optimal experience I’d recommend considering:
*A yoga mat that is comfortably thick to start. Any sort of fitness mat will do, but as you become more advanced, I’d suggest a more pro type of mat such as from Manduka, Jade or Prana.
*Some sort of cushion or meditation cushion. Again, any sort will do to start, but later you may want to look into specialty ones.
*Ear buds, headphones etc., and a space/place where you can be mostly un-interrupted for 25-45 minutes.
*A blanket, because sometimes when we sit or lie still for a while, you might feel chilly.
*Props such as a block or strap, but again, you can substitute with large textbooks or even a belt you already have on hand, until/if you feel like you want to make that step.