Welcome to MYA ~ My Yoga Audio, my name is Megan Morgan and I’m a yoga teacher, writer and artist. This idea of a yoga class that’s purely an audio type of experience is something that started unconsciously planting seeds in me over eight years ago when I was in yoga teacher training in Canada. As part of our 200 hour registration requirements, we had to teach classes in multiple formats, one of which included verbal instruction ONLY, no demonstrating, no moving around whatsoever. It was to teach us that our voice alone, our cues and phrasing should be specific enough, that a student could even keep their eyes closed and still practice successfully without seeing you every moment. In fact, I’ve attended several classes where some students were legally blind, the teacher was aware, and other than providing occasional hands-on support to help steady them, they practiced wholly on their own.


Stepping into a yoga class is a little bit like stepping of a ledge, into an abyss.

But even though it may feel a little bit intimidating, yoga movements don’t have to be complicated or difficult.

There are so many to choose from.

I’ve also been in several classes (or taught them myself) where we’ve been encouraged to close our eyes to practice. To trust ourselves and to trust that the ground is right there where we need it.

Don’t move the way fear makes you move. Move the way love makes you move. Move the way joy makes you move. – Osho

While there certainly are controversies about Osho as a teacher and leader, I think that quote from him exemplifies what I’m trying to help listeners achieve here, which is practice and movement without fear. We’ll also look at some of the roots of yoga and their teachings. What do things written hundreds and even thousands of years ago have to do with today? You might be surprised at how the human condition still spirals around the same issues.


The most important thing to do in yoga, is breathe.

 So to go back to how I got here for a moment, I’ve been practicing for twenty years and teaching for eight years, but a little over one year ago I stopped teaching public classes. I had a family crisis that needed my full attention at the time and I’ve only worked with students one-on-one, or in workshop type small group settings ever since. While the crisis in my personal life abated somewhat, I still felt drawn to teach in another way, but I didn’t know what that path was, for quite some time.

Then the pandemic of COVID-19 hit all of us in March of 2020 here in the United States and Canada and virtual Zoom Yoga became our new yoga centers. But somehow, that still didn’t seem to be what I wanted to do, as much as I applauded and still do, everyone making it work in this format. I realized it still emphasizes the visual and that’s even harder to do on a laptop computer in the middle of your living room, or wherever you’re practicing.

I had a dream.

I had a dream.

Then, one night a few months ago I had a dream about this, about MYA. Not the name MYA, but just the concept of doing voice only yoga classes and it felt SO RIGHT. It’s the kind of class I’d want to take, and also, the kind of class I finally wanted to teach again. I’ve been listening to podcasts for a few years too, and that has only increased since I’ve been working from home.

I’m fortunate that former students and friends have reached out almost continuously since I stopped teaching to ask WHEN, when would I teach again? And when the pandemic hit, when would I be on zoom? But I continued to think on it, post my short yoga tutorials on Instagram and try to figure out where and when the teaching would come. And then it did.

One thing you should know is that I wrote a book last year. It’s called The End of Me – and this isn’t just a shameless plug. I bring this up because one of the things I talk about in the book is how all my life I’ve been a very vivid dreamer. So vivid are my dreams that sometimes, things I dream about come to fruition in real-life. Sometimes they’re worldwide, massive events, but more commonly, it’s insight into my own life or about people I know and love. So when I awoke knowing that this concept was my next step, I stumbled out of bed, trying to get it together. This turned into a two-week flurry of activity and about three hours later, while writing everything down at the kitchen table and excitedly explaining my idea to my husband the name came – MYA~My Yoga Audio. It settled into my bones, the hair on my arms stood up, tears came to my eyes. My intuition was confirmed when I could claim the name as a website, email address and on social media pages.


So, what can you expect as we move forward on this podcast?

Well, initially, I’ll provide some basic teachings on guided meditation, yoga basics and yoga flows. We’ll also look at breath work, mantras, philosophy and tips and tricks. I’ll have guests on the show too and have some expansive conversations on different types of yoga, have them guest teach classes and maybe even contribute to the blog with guest posts! I have a list a mile long of amazing folks that I want to invite who all teach, inspire, create and activate and I can’t wait for you to hear from them. I also have a big dream to bring in more about books and art – not just written or done by me, but by other artists and writers in our local and global community, because creative capital like art and words are important and provide numerous pathways to healing too.

Also, I want to encourage you to ask questions. Each episode, I’ll answer questions I’ve received. You can email me at myyogaaudio@gmail.com and you can also ask questions through direct messaging on Instagram through the MYA page which is here. My plan right now is to provide some visual support on the Instagram page for some of the teachings I’m putting out on the podcast. This is not only because an Instagram presence requires imagery, but also because I understand that for some, especially if you’re newer to the practice, you might just need a little more than the audio, at least at first. I honestly believe that what we’ll do here will bring value to both the beginner and seasoned practitioner. We are all, forever students and there’s so much we can continue to learn and experience.

Episode 1

Believe me, I know I’ve signed up for a challenge, I’m a visual learner too – but the one thing I’ve found is that for yoga, the most powerful and revelatory practices I’ve ever had, have been when I kept my eyes closed or managed to narrow my gaze to only my immediate surroundings. When you can achieve that kind of stillness and trust within yourself and your practice, whole new worlds of possibility and knowing can form. Essential truths reveal themselves and fill you up with a confidence and surety that I’ve yet to experience through other practices.

At the same time, I want to generate and help you all be part of what I hope will be a genuine MYA community. One of the hardest things for all of us right now is the inability to be together, physically. For me, listening to someone speaking in my ear can be quite an intimate experience, one that brings a feeling of closeness with another, with yourself and your own mind/body connection. It’s quite literally, personal.

I want that for you.

I want that for everyone.

So while focusing on your own practice is the main goal of this podcast, I do hope you’ll also feel part of something bigger and expansive as well. As things continue to evolve for this show, I’ll keep you informed. My initial plan is to release a new episode every two weeks, but I’m a human, so forgive me now if things ever get out of sync. If you’d like to sign up for what will be an eventual newsletter, navigate to the MYA Instagram page where the link in bio will take you to where you can sign up for it and I will let you know every time a new episode drops.

I cannot wait to go on this continuing journey with all of you and I always, always, welcome your feedback, questions and suggestions. Coming up next on Episode 2 will be a powerful, guided meditation that I learned from a seasoned mental health professional that you can return to again and again, whenever you need to ground yourself or when the world feels like too much to bear.

Finally, a huge thank you to Chase Mitchell of Upstarter Podcasts who’s been coaching and guiding me through this new world with kindness and expertise, I can’t recommend him enough.

Until next time, continue whenever and wherever you can, to listen closely and expand exponentially, it’s time for your mind to be on the mat.

Yoga can be as simple as being still.

Yoga is about learning to calm your mind through the practice of movement and focusing on your breath.

Yoga primarily takes place, in the mind.


Interview with Wanda Abney of Full Circle Radio, FM 97.5